
Dr Stephen Hagan is a Kullilli traditional owner of southwest Queensland and is married to Rhonda, a Mamu woman from north Queensland.
Dr Hagan is a former senior public servant, diplomat, entrepreneur, national NAIDOC Person of the Year, award winning author with four books to his credit, a multi-award winning film maker and passionate advocate for First Nations People.

This remarkable piece of research by Dr Stephen Hagan of the problems of racism in the highest level of the Australian Judiciary must be told to the wider community both nationally and internationally. This book is timely, given the recent publicity of First Nation Australian’s high incarceration and suicide rates.
Professor Gracelyn Smallwood
Dr Stephen Hagan takes no prisoners and bows to no one. His take down (for that is what it is) of the legal system and the judges is political polemics at its very best. As they say in the vernacular, he does not miss. The choice of a high profile judicial officer as a target, is particularly important. An esteemed figure of the Left, but Dr Hagan will have none of that. I have found this book challenging and am grateful for how it provoked me into thinking.
Professor Chris Sarra
AUD $35.00 + postage & handling
($5.00 per book Australia only)