Rangers’ joint compliance patrol leads to successful prosecutions
[supplied by NLC]
NLC Joint Patrol Finnis – Brendan Morgan-Armstrong, Bernie Lewis, and Victor Moffitt. Image: supplied
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Four people fishing without Northern Land Council (NLC) permits have received fines after being caught in a joint exercise by Bulgul and Kakadu Rangers.
The recreational fishers were charged after rangers intercepted four boats in the Little Finniss River and past the Finniss River closure line.
The individuals were not permitted to engage in recreational fishing in the waters. On 28 November 2023 and 23 January 2024, these matters were heard at the Darwin Local Court, where all four individuals pleaded guilty to entering or remaining on Aboriginal land without a permit.
This offence under the Aboriginal Land Act 1978 (NT) carries financial penalties. These are the first prosecutions in Aboriginal waters since introducing the recreational fishing permit system in January 2023.
This outcome provides a strong precedent and gives Traditional Owners (TOs) confidence that there will be consequences for people who enter Aboriginal waters without obtaining permission.
Bulgul Rangers undertook the joint patrol that led to the prosecutions alongside rangers from Kakadu National Park to increase compliance in the Finniss coastal and Peron Islands region.
Kakadu’s rangers participated in the operation to share the compliance expertise of each group. Rangers are regularly on the water and will continue their marine patrols.
Establishing the new compliance team within NT Fisheries will also provide increased support to Aboriginal ranger groups along the Northern Territory coastline. Aboriginal people have deep connections to their waters, including the aquatic species that inhabit them.
TOs for the Finniss coastal and Peron Islands region limited access to their area in 2021 in the hope that the Northern Territory Government (NTG) would work with them to improve these waters' access, use, and resource management.
TOs and rangers encourage fishers to abide by the current access arrangements. Permit-free fishing continues to apply to key fishing areas around Darwin and Bynoe Harbours, as well as the Daly River, Nhulunbuy, Port Keats and McArthur River regions, based on existing agreements between TOs, the NLC, and the NTG. Outside these areas, an NLC permit is required to fish recreationally in Aboriginal waters.